Labels:crt screen | monitor | vegetarianism OCR: WHAT THEHAGELSEARN AND SPEND The Hagels pars prodigious 274 ol their incae over "the past year, princi pally 60 they can payoffa$75.400 nsortgage thai comes next April INCOME (inU.S dollars} Pater' isalary $63.773 OUTGO in dollars and as percontago of incomel Savings $17.400 Housing 16.910 Taxea 12.911 Transportation 4.362 Groceries Personal and misccllanoous 3,007 Health care 2.040 Entortainmeni and Vacations 1.642 Life insurance 1,364 Clothing 660 TOTAL $63,773 1005 ITHE IHAGELSEARN Tsinved incane rcan nortgago comesdue ofincnmel Heattr Entortainmen insirance Clathing T0TAT 1001E